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Wild Talks | Yaban Konuşmalar - 6: Jamie Lorimer "The Probiotic Turn and Urban Rewilding"
Jamie Lorimer speaks on his new book The Probiotic Planet: December 21, 2020
Conservation in an urban world | Jamie Lorimer
Jamie Lorimer: Wild experiments: Rethinking environmentalism for the Anthropocene
Wildlife in the Anthropocene: Conservation Without Nature - Dr Jamie Lorimer, University of Oxford
'Probiotic agriculture: using life to regenerate the food system' with Prof Jamie Lorimer
jlorimer Probiotic Planet
Wild Talks | Yaban Konuşmalar - 1: Prof. Dr. Ünal Akkemik "İstanbul'un Bitki Çeşitliliği"
Ecology Without Nature
Broadcast From Later 21 - Free The Youth, The Probiotic Planet, Sustainable Gaming, Lioness NFTs
Finding Ecologies: Ecology Without Moralism